श्रीमद् देवी भागवत पुराण हिन्दी में सुने
ऋषि वेदव्यास कृत
श्रीमद् देवी भागवत पुराण महातम्य
।।ॐ श्री गणेशाय नमः ।।
।। ॐ श्री गुरुवे नमः ।।
ऋषिगण व सूत जी का संवाद, देवी भागवत की महिमा
Chapter 1 Rishi-gan & Soot Ji's Conversation, Introduction and importance of Shreemad Devi Bhagwat Puran
देवऋषि नारद द्वारा वासुदेव को नवार्ण यज्ञ के विषय में बताना . यदि आपके विषय में गलत अफवाएं फ़ैल रही हो तो इसका पाठ करने से शांत हो जाती हैं वह संसार में सम्मान मिलता है |
Chapter 2 Devrishi Narad advises King Vasudev to read Shreemad Bhagwat for safe return of his son Shree Krishna with Jambavati. Reading or listening to this restores personal good name in case one suffers from gossip and ill repute.
स्वमंतक मणि के साथ श्री कृष्णा का वापिस लौटना | देवी भागवत के पाठ से किसी कार्य से बहार गयी संतान सुरक्षित लौट आती है |
Chapter 2 Continued...Krishna returns with the gem
Reading or listening to Devi Bhagwat can help bring a child safely back from a critical or dangerous situation.
इल तथा इला की कहानी |
Chapter 3 How Sudhumn became Ila, and birth of Pururva?
This chapter is excellent for parents, children and adults suffering from Gender Identity Crisis. Importance of studying Devi Bhagwat for restoration of preferred or true gender identity.
रेवती नक्षत्र के पतन व पुनः नक्षत्र मंडल में स्थापित होने की कथा इस कथा के पाठ से गडांत में हुए जन्म की शांति का उपाय हो जाता है ।
Chapter 4 Story of Revati Nakshatra
Devi Bhagwat recitation is an excellent remedy if a child is born at Gadant which is considered extremely difficult & inauspicious for the child and parents alike. Gadant is a special calculation in Jyotish which relates to the last degree of Jal rashis (water signs) falling in Revati, Ashlesha, and Jyestha Nakshatras and first degree of fire signs, Agni rashis falling in Ashwini, Magha, and Mula Nakshtra. Conducting recitation of Devi Puran resolves all problems.
देवी भागवत पुराण पाठ करने के नियम तथा विधि |
Chapter 5 Rules regarding Devi Bhagwat Purana
When and how to organize the reading of Devi Puran. Who is worthy of reciting, and who is worthy of listening to this Puran? What results can be expected by listening to Purana when moon is transiting various Nakshatras
।।ॐ दुम दुर्गायै नमः ।।
।। ॐ नमः शिवाय ।।

Here you will find audio recordings of Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Puran. (See Reference Note below)
Today is Chaitra Mas, Shulka Paksh, Tritya, Vikram Samvat 2074.
The third day after new moon in Pisces the month of Chaitra. New moon in Chaitra is Hindu New Year. New cycle of creation starts from this day every year. This year it falls on 28th March 2017. The first 9 days are celebrated as Navratri, or 9 Days of the Goddess.
Today being 30 th of March, Thursday, when Moon is in Ashwini nakshatra, the day dedicated to Goddess Chandraganta, is also celebrated as Gauri Teej, or Saubhagya Teej.
I am posting the very first audio recording of Shrimad Devi Bagwat Puran in hindi.
Om Dum Durgaye Namaha.
References: The reading is from the classical literature "Shreemad Devi Bhagwat Puran by Ved Vyas" Published by Geetapress, Gorakhpur, for purchasing the book in hindi or other questions please contact: _____________________.
श्री देवी भागवत पुराण प्रथम स्कन्द