How to make the best use of this site
Home Page
How to navigate and use this site:
1. Home page shows latest articles published on this website, You can subscribe to get notification when something new is posted here. You can contact the author with questions and comments. Comments are moderated, foul language, or inappropriate comments are not visible and will be deleted.
2. Use Archive to see previous article. They are sorted by date when they were published.
3. You can search the articles by specific key word such as "Kaliyuga" this will retrieve all article related to the search. Search feature is not available for audio narratives but certain tags will bring up audio and video content related to your search criteria.
1. The site aims to use both English and Hindi Bhasha as its primary language. At some point the site will get translated into Hindi but for now you can use the toggle button on the top to switch to Hindi narrations of Devi Bhagwat Purana.
2. When adding comments , If you prefer to type in hindi but are unable to on your machine, you can use the orange button on the top it will take you to an external website ( http://www.easyhindityping.com/ ) where you can type in english and it translates your text into Hindi. You can then cut and paste it in the comments section.
3. Additionally if you choose the blue round button next to the language selection, it will open another external website where you can speak in hindi and it will type it up for you, You can cut and paste your text into comments into the site.
Navigation Tabs
The site has four main sections, Home, Audio Narrations of Devi Bhagwat Purana in Hindi, Forums and About.
Home Page - Published article show up here.
About Us - Contains little introduction about us, way to contact us and access to this page.
Forums - Is interactive area of the website. You can select:
Discussions about Devi Bhagwat - Add your thoughts freely.
Musings - Variety of Topics
Science of Veda Purana - Topics that enlighten us about science.
Music of Purana - Vedic classical musical links
Travel - Information about various sites related to Puranas.
Marketplace - Buying products and services related to this website.
देवी पुराण सुने - Click on this tab to start listening to audio narratives of Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Purana, Use the Next and Pervious buttons to progress between various readings. Each page displays many audio recordings each recording contains one complete chapter of Devi Bhagwat or it is completed in parts. Each reading is between 15 - 20 Mins for easy listening. Each chapter is described so you can listen to any chapter at any time. Sometimes a musical link is provided at the end, of the page so scroll down the page to listen to melodious classical Sangeet (Music) while listening to Devi Katha. The musical link will open in an external site.
Audio listening is best when using ear phones as external noises are eliminated. You can also increase the volume of narration it shows as sound bars for each audio clip.
Holding Listening Parties
If you would like to hold Bhagwat Purana Satsang please contact us and we can provide you access to continuous playback of Chapters. If you would like to complete the reading during Navratri, a Navratri Access is provided to complete reading of the Devi Bhagwat Purana during the Nine Nights,
Webinars and Live Conversations
For a more involved Satsang live webinars will be made available where live questions from members of this site will be answered. Some pre prepared Audio Video content will be added time to time.
Stories for Children, and Adults alike
Devi Bhagwat Purana is most easy purana of all. Many Puranas have difficult concepts, science and philosophy, but Devi Bhagwat is a pleasure to the ears, it is for everyday people. It is primarily filled with stories. Stories of life. You don't have to be religiously inclined, you could follow any religion be part of any variation of beliefs, Devi Bhagwat Puran is not a religion it is filled with practical knowledge about life via various inspiring stories. Reading Devi Bhagwat solves many practical mysterious spiritual and material problems of life.
Devi Bhagwat Purana is a must reading for all Girls. Starting as early as three to five years old girls are encouraged to become familiar with the stories of Mahamaya Prakarti parmeshwari.
Some stories of Devi Bhagwat are really funny and enjoyable for kids. They help improve mental abailities to children.
Dharma , Artha, Kama & Moksha
Four common purpose for all people in life are Dharma = Truth, Artha = Gaining various kinds of material resources in life, Kama = Desire Fulfillment, and Moksha = Releasing false attachments to progress further in life on this planet and beyond this life. Moksha is a difficult path of letting go and releasing difficulties and struggles of life to win eternally. All these four pillars of life are guided by listening to Devi Bhagwat Purana. It is as if our Great Mother is talking to us through various stories selected by her. Hence Enjoy listening to the storie