Goddess, the first mother, the universal deity in female form. It is rather difficult to describe her in any language yet she has to be understood, so we will call her the Goddess. She has many names as many cultures, people, languages, & belief systems. She is Wakan Tanka for Native American people, Jagdamba in Sanskrit, Isis for ancient Egyptians, Ninmah for Sumerians, Gaia, Rhea, Hera, Demeter, Anu, Danu, Pachamama, Mother Mary, Shiva, Parvati, Aditi, Durga, Kali, Tara, Shakti and many more. She exists everywhere mysteriously hidden yet ever present.
One of the most comprehensive description of her nature is found in the ancient literature by Rishi Ved Vyas, known as Shrimad Devi Bhagwat Purana. Here she exists by the virtue of her role in lives of many amazing and mythological characters. Or, are they really mythological? No, only ancient enough that we cannot add them as contacts on Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter etc. She is described in great details yet we find ourselves yearning for more, for such is her nature incomprehensible yet very worthy of our attention.
This entire website is devoted to the Divine Feminine. As a matter of selection we chose to call her Saraswati, the Goddess of sound. One way to get close to her is to pay attention to the natural world all around us, within us, to discover her in bubbling streams of pure water, in the mist obscuring the high mountains or the changing seasons there in subtle ways she is quite palpable.
How to connect with her? How to invite her into our hearts, our minds and our homes? How to listen to her talk? How to pay attention when she is there? How to act in her presence and what to expect and desire from her? Those are the beautiful aspirations we will try to explore here.
May she sing to us, dance with us, laugh and cry with us. May she find us worthy of her attention and presence. May she reside with us.